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News & stories

Gondosolar: Project for the construction of Switzerland's largest photovoltaic installation

Plans are being drawn up to build Switzerland's largest photovoltaic installation above the Valais village of Gondo. Thanks to its optimal location at…

Using radar data to enhance the accuracy of water inflow forecasts

The more precisely hydropower plant operators can forecast future water inflows, the more efficiently the plants can generate electricity. This key…

Increased controllable power production in winter

Additional flexible, controllable power production in winter is required to strengthen the security of supply in Switzerland. The participants of a…

New steam turbine for Novel

A steam turbine is currently being replaced at the Novel gas-fired combined cycle power plant. With increased efficiency, the power plant will ensure…

Csepel celebrates 20 + 1 years of operation

The Csepel gas-fired combined-cycle power plant is a reliable and flexible producer of power and heat for Hungary's energy system. 1 November 2021…

Alpiq Spain receives EMAS certificate for Plana del Vent

Rotor blade maintenance

Rotor blades are one of the most important components of a wind turbine and at the same time, they are subjected to the highest stresses. Throughout…

Peak load management for a catering business

For its catering operations, Thurau Nord, one of the most modern motorway service stations in Switzerland, relies on a peak load management system…

A power plant that does not exist

We have been operating a virtual power plant (VPP) in Hungary since 2013. A successful model that we intend to roll out to other countries.

New Hydropower Laboratory Hydro Alps Lab

Sitten, 31 August 2021 – Alpiq, HYDRO Exploitation, Forces Motrices Valaisannes (FMV) and the School of Engineering of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis are…